
Featured Decodable

Meet Doc Ned and his pet fox. Focus: short e


Introducing Short Vowels in 3 Sound Words

Ben has a dream about his bed changing.
Focus on short e.

Tom the tot loves his new bat.
Focusing on: short o and short a.

Sam the lab and his pal rat do everything together.
Focusing on: short o and short a.

How can Mom keep her tot happy at the lab?
Focus: Short o and a

Bud and his pig have fun in the sun.
Focus: Short u and i

What makes cat sad?
Focus: Short a

Who is going to clean up the hot mess in the kitchen?
Focus: Short o

The big pig wins a prize.
Focus: Short i

Gus and pup have fun in the sun.
Focus: short u

Meet Doc Ned and his pet fox.
Focus: short e

Dev’s pet has to go to the vet.
Focus: short e

Bob the Bat meets Dev and his hen on a bus.
Focus: short e

Pup can’t get rid of a pesky bug!
Focus: short u and short i

Bob the Bat goes to look for his mom.
Focus: short u and short i

Meet Bob the Bat’s mom.
Focus: short a and short o

Meet Al, a young scientist with a lab for bats.
Focus: short a

Short Vowels in 3 Sound Words with Digraphs and Double Consonants

Thad goes to the Quick Shop to buy a special treat.
Focus: digraphs

Tess and Jeff play wall ball.
Focus: Double consonants

Bob the Bat is still looking for his mom.
Focus: digraphs (sh, ck, ng)

Finn meets a chick at the park.
Focus: digraphs (ch, sh)

Russ falls but he never gives up.
Focus: double consonants

Al and Rat cook together.
Focus: double consonants

Short Vowels in 4 Sound Words with Beginning or Ending Blends

Kent and Quinn look for a special cap for Kwanzaa.
Focus: ending blends

A class takes a field trip to a river bank.
Focus: beginning blends

Mist and Trish get ready for their camping trip.
Focus: beginning blends

Meet Mist and Trish, two best gal pals who want to go on a camping trip.
Focus: ending blends

4 or More Sound Words with Blends, Digraphs, and Double Consonants

Meet Britt and Quinn, future track stars.
Focus: 4 and 5 sound words

See how Fran celebrates her quinceañera!
Focus: 4 and 5 sound words

Mist and Trish go camping.
Focus: 4 and 5 sound words

Mist and Trish have an adventure on a farm.
Focus: 4 and 5 sound words

Long Vowels

Layne and Nate have a great day at the fair.
Focus: Long a

The school music group will go on a trip to see the dunes.
Focus: Long u

Joe and his buddy Pete spend a hot day at the beach.
Focus: Long e

Joe likes to surf, bike, and fly a kite.
Focus: Long i

Rose loves to work on Moe's ranch.
Focus: Long o

The school music group will go on a trip to see the dunes.
Focus: Long u

Why is Bree such a sweet little girl?
Focus: long e

Mike and his friend find a sweet treat on their hike.
Focus: Long i

Layne and Nate visit the bake sale.
Focus: Long a

Cole helps out on Moe's ranch.
Focus: Long o

Sue and Joe stay home from school.
Focus: long u

Joe and Eve go to the beach.
Focus: long e

Joe shares some of his favorite things.
Focus: long i

Joe plans a celebration for a special day.
Focus: long a

Joe goes for a ride in a boat.
Focus: long o

Books with Videos

This book features two and three sound words with the short /e/ sound.

This book features two and three sound words with the short /o/ sound.

This book features two and three sound words using the short /u/ sound.

This book features two and three sound words with the short /i/ sound.

This book features two and three sound words with the short /a/ sound.

R-controlled vowels and diphthongs

Burt's brave dog Fern saves the day.
Focus: R-controlled vowels

Burt's brave dog Fern saves the day!
Focus: r-controlled vowels

Brown Mouse is sad.
Focus: ou and ow

Barb the Bird was born on the farm.
Focus: r-controlled vowels

Troy loves to eat soy beans in his lunch.
Focus: oi and oy

Meet Paul and his dog Saul.
Focus: au and aw

Multisyllabic Words

Learn lots of fun facts about sea gulls!

Learn about some of the traditions that make Kwanzaa special.

Learn how bats are helpful creatures.

You can grow your own pumpkins for fall celebrations!

Learn about the parts of a map and the different types of maps.

Learn about evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in this book about the water cycle.

Additional Resources

These resources can help as you work with TRI activities at home.

Letter Tiles Letter Tiles: Printable letter tiles
Letter Tiles YouTube Playlist: Find all your favorite TRI videos in one spot