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Decodable Texts

Check out our free decodable texts!

Although research on the effectiveness of decodable texts is inconclusive, using decodable texts with readers who are still developing basic phonics knowledge can be beneficial (Cheatham & Allor, 2012; Hiebert & Fisher, 2007). TRI’s decodables are carefully aligned to our scope and sequence to engage students in real-world reading and build confidence and motivation. Remember that decodables should be only one small part of a beginning reader’s book diet.

Since 2005, TRI has reached over

Elementary Schools

Targeted Reading Instruction is:


Teachers use TRI’s scope and sequence to teach letters and sounds in the context of words and texts.


Teachers learn how to tailor instructional activities and strategies to meet every student’s reading needs.


Teachers benefit from over 15 years of research showing TRI’s effectiveness.

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TRI@Home provides one-on-one coaching for parents teaching their children how to read at home.